• I do miss my life in Melbourne as it is almost like a land of OZ which i have so many happy memories with my friends, colleague and church mates.
  • Flying my little gal, Trio back is the most amazing thing that ever happened in my life. i am introducing her to my family and friends who love her whole heartedly.
  • I am contented enough to come back to Singapore and spend my time with my family and friends in Singapore with all the good foods available.

The Boy Next Door-C3

Chapter 3
Josh put the disc into the video compact disc player. He pressed the remote control play. I sat on his couch and wondering what show was that. The show went playing with a familiar song and scenario. Josh was sitting beside me lying comfortably at his couch. It was the movie show, ‘Ghost’.

“I can’t believe you still can find the disc for it as it was so long ago. Thanks anyway.” I said to Josh.

“Well you knew this was the show that really can make a guy drop into tears. Keep it as a secret ok?” josh admitted.

“Deal,” I agreed.

I had a really pleasure feeling of watching the show again. It was a totally great production. It didn’t hit much of me until the part where Sam made clay pot with Molly when the song, ‘unchained melody’ was played. This not only reminded me of my ex-boyfriends but my objective about love. I had no idea the satisfaction of love was high but it was not about sex obviously but just something greater than chemistry and relationship that they didn’t have with me. Josh was so engrossed into the show that he didn’t realise how close he sat beside me. I had the sudden urge to kiss Josh again lips onto his lips but I thought of Nancy again and kicked the thought of mine. The romantics show ended at 9p.m.

“Did you like my surprise?” Josh asked.

“I did, thanks again.” I answered.

“I am going to cook your dinner, just give me some time. I promise it won’t be long.” Josh went to the kitchen leaving me in the living room. I decided to start on my draft writing on the egg. Something caught my eyes, I was drawn to his transparent box of luminous stars and hearts made up of arcylic. They were rotating round at a leisurely pace like unidentified flying objects hovering in the endless sky in the science fiction book. Soon the living room was filled up by the mouth-watering food’ smell and it was getting to make me hungry.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, you like that but too bad Nancy don’t. Come on let’s dine in and as well as tried my cooking.” Josh asked me.
I went forward to join him for dinner. The dinner was luscious and it just urged me to devour more of the food.

“Thanks for the dinner,” I thanked Josh.
I helped him in washing the dishes after dinner. The kitchen was spacious and pretty equipped. I was washing the plates in the sink with him.

“Glad you like the dinner.” Josh exclaimed.

“You are a potential cooker. Food just tasted marvellous with the finger-licking steak and pasta.” I complimented.

We washed our hands and went on with our project. I put the egg slowly into the box with caution in my mind. Light was switched on in the box to start germinate the egg with warmth. Josh wrote down every thing I did in details. I placed the box in a dew-rinsed corner of Josh’s house. We even devised the plan out in a piece of rough paper. It was a mere and intelligible plan for the growing of chick. We took a break after all the brainstorming moment for the project and started to have a small conversation to get to know each other a little.

“So how do you feel after you move here?” Josh asked.

“Scared initially but now everything is getting all right.” I answered.

“When I first saw you, I got to admit that I thought you are a spoilt little brat but now I actually I know you are so nice.” I confessed.

“I thought you are a philanderer in school but now I realise how devoted are you to Nancy.” I confessed.

Out of the sudden, silence broke off and I could feel his eyes on me. I tore his gaze by giving excuse; I got to go back home. Our houses were just next to each other and he gave me an element of surprise by walking me home. We could hear the chorus of frogs from the creek, and the myriad softer sounds that stir in the night. As we reached my doorstep, Josh kissed me goodnight on my cheek. I was kind of stupefaction. I just went into my house and closing the door without greeting him back. I felt the kiss he gave me was quite wrong. The guilt came over me over and over again. I was sleepless all night long. I was turning around my bed throughout the night. However soon sleep took over me. I was in my dreamland with lots of breathtaking scenery all around me but somehow my life seemed to be empty and lacking of something I longed for. I made it clear that I had to stay away from Josh and carry on with my studies here with no distraction. I was awakened slightly by the beam of light that shone right through my transparent windows. It was Saturday morning and I had no plan for the day. Just as I was falling into some deep and dazing train of thought, my telephone rung.

“Hey, Natalie do you want to come to the party at the Three pub near your house at 8pm.” Sarah invited me.

“Sure count me in. so see you later.” I answered promptly.

My night was occupied but how was I going to spend my day. I went for a bath and got changed into a pretty white low cut sheath and into a blue cotton skirt with split. I drove my car around the city to check out the stuffs the city had. I saw a shop that sold all the compacts discs and video compact discs of movies and songs. I pulled over my car and went into the shop. A movie show, ‘Coyote Ugly’ caught my eyes and I bought the discs home. I walked around the place and found a shop that sold all sort of interesting and bizarre stuffs. I went into the shop and found the drawings materials used by Leonardo Da Vinci. I bought the materials and headed to a nearby bookstore and looked for a book that would interest me. I bought the book, ‘Playing by heart’. After all those engaged shopping today, I headed straight home just in time to feed Thor with its lunch. I had sandwich for lunch. I went on watching the disc I bought. It was totally fantastic. It had the greatest story lines, good cast, humorous, toughing and heart warming. Out of no where I got the urge to draw. I took the materials I bought and a chair and a stand to my garden. I sat on the chair in my garden and decided to draw my house. I was preoccupied by the drawing that I had lost awareness of the surrounding. Josh happened to pass by my house and had observed me quietly from distance.

“Well I didn’t know you are an artist.” Josh exclaimed.

I was flabbergasted that he was there looking at how I draw.

“Have a nice day, I have to go.” I replied meditatively.

I just ran into my house. Josh was standing there looking at me in a sweet way and confused. I refused to look through his eyes. I took a look at time and realised I had better hurry for the party.


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