• I do miss my life in Melbourne as it is almost like a land of OZ which i have so many happy memories with my friends, colleague and church mates.
  • Flying my little gal, Trio back is the most amazing thing that ever happened in my life. i am introducing her to my family and friends who love her whole heartedly.
  • I am contented enough to come back to Singapore and spend my time with my family and friends in Singapore with all the good foods available.

Please help to save the poor Dolphins

There was this documentary movie, The Cove which I have watched recently left a very vivid image in my mind till now. I would recommend you to watch it to understand what’s going around behind those happy underwater world show with dolphins around the world which is remarkably tragic and sad.

I can never really comprehend the fact that the Japan people from Taiji would believe in the information provided by their own scientists and government that dolphins and whales are considered as pest because they have been contributing to the depletion of the fishes in the sea. This is the most ridiculous remark I have ever heard in my whole entire life. Food chain has always been around in ages. There is always a balance in everything that exists on earth. Sadly part of the human inhabitants in Japan refused to hear the truth about human being the ones who have contributed to the depletion of the fishes due to the unimaginable rate of human being involved in the fishing industries around the clock every day.

The fishermen in Taiji, Japan believe herding and killing whales and dolphins is the primary solution to the depletion of fishing. They also believe this as part of the Japan culture in Taiji basically. They quoted this as normal and it is part of their life taking from instance, In Australia there are kangaroos and Aussie consumed kangaroo meats, in Taiji Japan, they lived around the sea and ocean where they are surrounded by whales , dolphins and other fishes, they consumed them in the same way.

It is really distressing to hear their words which they have spoken with so much confidence in them. The thing that disturbs me the most is bloody gruesome scene on how they claim that they have improved the tactic to kill the dolphins instantly to reduce their pain which is in fact not true after your watch the documentary. The dolphins actually swim and hopped with a high screeching sound in agony pain while the cove ocean water turned from clear blue to bright red in color gradually. The conversation that records about the fishermen’s killing was almost like a acclaimed credits and honour which they have earned in killing the dolphins or whales. The dolphins always have a smiling face all the time in the show but in fact if you actually watched them closely on their eyes, there are tears. Dolphins are very sensitive to sound, when they are in captured in the museum or shows, the audiences’ clapping and the excitement scream from the crowd stresses them in a very tremendous way. Dolphins are the smartest and most friendly animal on earth in the ocean.

In the documentary, it is not just mere concern about the dolphins but it is also a mere concern that the Japan government is aware that dolphins’ meats itself contain a huge quantity amount of mercury which has exceed the amount of the approved quantity amount in the food for health. The health of the residents in Japan is at risk of having too much mercury in them by consuming dolphins’ meats. Japan government is also aware that some of the dolphin food distributers have packaged the dolphin meat as whale meat which Japan people are not aware of. The history of the Minamata Disease is going to repeat itself again in Japan in the matter of time. In the 1950s, Industrious Factory that poured the toxic mercury waste into the river and ocean in discrete. They worked with the government to conceal the truth. The children and people who drank from the river suffered from Minamata Disease. There were a lot of deformed children and people around back then. This disease is a silent killer taking away one’s sight, brain function, hearing and muscle movement gradually in time till one’s body become malfunction.

Ric O Barry who is the founder of the dolphin-Flipper and the first Dolphin Show in America resigned to become the founder in the Save the Dolphin organization after he has seen the Flipper committing suicide on his arms. He has been arrested in America for so many times in freeing the dolphins back to the ocean and sea. He is also the reason why the Documentary, The Cove was being filmed to uncover the truth.
During the time in Japan, he offered to pay the same amount of money the fishermen earned in killing and catching the dolphins if they would stop this field. They refused and said this was part of their custom and responsibility to save the depletion of fish. No one in Tokyo is aware of this till now. The media in Japan is very well under controlled by the government.

This documentary made me reflect a lot lately. I am really going to be a vegetarian gradually. May God bless those Dolphins and people in Japan. The documentary did not stop this dolphin killing activity. It will happen every year between September and January. 23 000 dolphins including the baby dolphins are killed each year in Taiji Japan. People in Japan are consuming the meats with no awareness of the mercury content. The Tsunami lately did not stop the dolphins killing either.

September is going to come soon every year. The ocean is going to be fill with blood and echoes of the cries from the Dolphins again if we sit there and do nothing.

Signed the petition to save the dolphins in Japan now. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/3/stop-the-dolphin-slaughter/

For more information on the dolphins and The Cove

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